Leadership Development & Support
Developing and maintaining effective dual language programs begins with knowing what needs to be accomplished. A program’s success is dependent on who you have at the table.
At Dual Language Education of New Mexico we are committed to develop, support, and advocate for high-quality dual language enriched education. To this end, we strive to provide school leadership teams with the knowledge and tools essential for success. In order to truly create an environment that nurtures continuous growth, our leadership trainings emphasize the need for the inclusion of diverse perspectives within each team. Through their collaboration and creation of shared understandings, sustainability of the dual language program is realized. Contact us today to see how we can help.
Guiding Principles of Dual Language Education
The Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education was developed as a tool to help dual language programs (two-way immersion, Guiding Principles Adheritage language, foreign language immersion, or developmental bilingual programs) with planning and ongoing implementation. Grounded in evidence from research and best practices, the guiding principles address program issues in seven strands: Assessment and Accountability, Curriculum, Instruction, Staff Quality and Professional Development, Program Structure, Family and Community, and Support and Resources.
The guiding principles were based on the Framework of Best Practices for New Mexico Dual Language Programs developed by Dual Language Education of New Mexico and were adapted by a national panel of dual language experts and reviewers.
Coming Soon: Leadership Development and Support Modules