AIM4S3™ Math Framework
Dual Language Education of New Mexico is a primary collaborator in the development of AIM4S³™, an instructional framework that deepens students’ mathematical learning
Achievement Inspired Mathematics for Scaffolding Student Success provides a framework of instructional components that shelters mathematics content to make it comprehensible and accessible to all students,
with a focus on English learners (ELs) and students who struggle with math. AIM4S³™ is a powerful framework that supports teachers in planning and implementing the Common Core State Standards and aligns with the four domains of The Framework for Teaching from the Danielson Group. It can be utilized with any mathematics program and targets teachers in kindergarten through middle school.
Online Learning
DLeNM offers a range of online learning opportunities for teachers and schools looking for support in meeting the needs of their language learners and students who struggle with math. They can be customized to meet the needs of teachers working with English learners, teaching in dual language programs, and teachers already trained in AIM4S3™. These online learning sessions are interactive, giving educators the opportunity to be part of the discussion and the mathematical learning. Click here to learn more.
Level 1 6-Day Training
The Level I training is a 6-day training delivered in three 2-day sessions. In each session teachers participate in classroom demonstrations plus planning and practice opportunities. The training targets a specific grade-level band of teachers (e.g., elementary, middle school, fourth-eighth, etc.) It includes theory and research, strategies, classroom demonstrations, on-line publications and videos, and facilitated planning for teachers.
Level 1 School/District Follow-Up
Site based follow-up trainings are differentiated professional development designed to meet the needs of the individual teacher, school, and district implementing AIM4S³™. This offering can include sessions to deepen and strengthen mathematical understandings, classroom demonstrations, teacher observations with supportive feedback, and work sessions to plan CCSSM units or develop Compendia. DLeNM’s observational protocol, VISITAS, is often utilized to support teams in participating in peer observations and identifying instructional next steps to support deeper student learning.
Level 2 and 3 Capacity Building: Developing Trainers
DLeNM supports schools and districts in building capacity and sustainability of the AIM4S³™ Framework. This exciting and intense process typically takes from 12 to 18 months as we support and certify trainers at the school and district levels. To find out more information about the trainer certification process, contact Lisa Meyer at
Administrator Training
DLeNM offers a half-day or full-day AIM4S³™ training to support administrators and
district/school leaders in learning more about the AIM4S³™ Framework. This training is
customized to meet the specific needs of the district. It often includes an overview of
AIM4S³™, a classroom demonstration, discussion of district strengths and need areas in
math, and next step action planning. Strong administrator support and understanding
are key to supporting high-level teacher implementation of the framework which leads to
stronger student learning.
Math Institutes
For districts interested in holding one to two-day math institutes for teachers, our
AIM4S³™ trainer team will customize offerings to meet the specific needs of the district.
These can be follow-up for teachers already trained in the framework but also offerings
open to all of your teachers. Click here to learn more and see often requested topics.
Online Learning
DLeNM offers a range of online learning opportunities for teachers and schools looking for support in meeting the needs of their language learners and students who struggle with math. These sessions are customized to meet the needs of teachers working with English learners, teaching in dual language programs and teachers already trained in AIM4S³™. Choose from these interactive virtual learning opportunities:
Making Math Visual
Experience activities for your grade level that make essential math concepts visual, supporting students in developing conceptual understanding that lasts well beyond this week’s quiz or the unit test. Recent research in neuroscience is finding that much of our mathematical thinking is grounded in visual processing. Come see how to put Jo Boaler’s work at YouCubed in action in your classroom. (1-3 sessions, K-8)
Concrete Ideas to Meet the Needs of ELs in Your Math Class
Not an ESL teacher? This session gives math teachers concrete strategies to support English Learners in being able to participate more actively in class and to have their voices be part of the discussion. (1-3 sessions, K-12)
Empowering ELs to Speak: Strategies that Make a Difference
Analyze a fifth-grade lesson on volume that has students sharing their work, critiquing the work of others, and identifying what high-quality work looks like. This session includes video as well as access to the resources used during the lesson to support this level of interaction. (1 session, 2-6)
Understanding the CCSSM Standards for Mathematical Practice
Would you like more understanding of the Mathematical Practices, what they are and how to leverage their importance with students? This session will build a foundation for the Mathematical Practices and give you an opportunity to identify them in action in lessons and student work. Making the Mathematical Practices come to life with your students will not only increase the rigor of instruction in your lessons, it will increase student engagement and higher-level thinking. (1-2 sessions, K-12)
Number Talks
Have you heard about Number Talks but haven’t tried them yet or have just dipped your toes in? During this session, you will experience Number Talks as well as see the instructional moves that are key for maximizing the strategy with students. Learn how to build Number Talks into your current routines and unit planners. (1-3 sessions, K-8)
Walk a Mathematical Mile in the Shoes of your ELs
Participate in a short problem-solving lesson in Spanish to experience sheltering and scaffolding strategies that support English learners in having access to the CCSSM and Mathematical Practices. This session is designed for teachers who have zero to an intermediate level of Spanish. This session will give teachers concrete strategies and instructional moves to give language learners access to projects, 3 Act Tasks, and story problems that you are already using in your classroom. The short lesson will be in Spanish. The reflection and share outs will be in English so participants can fully participate in the professional dialogue. (1 session, K-12)
An Introduction to the AIM4S³™ Framework
Are you looking for a framework to support teachers in meaningful instructional planning that includes meeting the diverse needs of your language learners and students who struggle with math? This series of sessions introduces teachers to the AIM4S³™ framework, providing concrete ideas to to build a classroom culture that promotes risk taking and provides equitable access to instruction to all of our students. (4 to 6 sessions, K-8)
Customized Follow-up for Teachers AIM4S³™ Trained
Are you looking to support teachers who have already been trained in AIM4S³™? These sessions are customized to meet the specific needs of your teachers. Common focus areas include: planning a Compendium, making assessment meaningful for teachers and students, using AIM4S³™ with district resources, and using the PDSA as a tool for goal setting. (1 to 6 sessions, K-12)
Email for more information about content or pricing.
Level 1 6-Day Training
The Level I training is a 6-day training delivered in three 2-day sessions. In each session teachers participate in classroom demonstrations plus planning and practice opportunities. The training targets a specific grade-level band of teachers (e.g., elementary, middle school, fourth-eighth, etc.) It includes theory and research, strategies, classroom demonstrations, on-line publications and videos, and facilitated planning for teachers.
During the level 1 training, participants will:
- Receive training on the AIM4S³™ Components and Key Instructional Principles to strengthen teacher pedagogy around math instruction and strategies that support diverse learners.
- Preview, observe and debrief classroom demonstrations where teachers see the AIM4S³™ framework in action with students.
- Develop materials and practice strategies to support students’ mathematics achievement and support implementation of the CCSSM.
- Share artifacts from their classroom instruction as they go back and implement the Key Instructional Principles and Component Areas with their students.
- Use formative assessment data to guide instruction and to increase student achievement.
To find out more information about organizing an AIM4S³™ Level I training for your school or district, contact
Math Institutes
For districts interested in holding one to two-day math institutes for teachers, our AIM4S³™ trainer team will customize offerings to meet the specific needs of the district. These can be follow-up for teachers already trained in the framework but also offerings open to all of your teachers. Below are some common topics:
AIM4S³™ Inside-out Problem
Taking a multi-step problem with a real-life context from practice test problems or your program and turning it “inside-out” so students are highly engaged, asking the questions, and doing the heavy-mathematical thinking
Mapping the Progressions for the CCSSM
- Number and Base Ten, Number and Operations-Fractions, and Number Systems
- Operations and Algebraic Thinking and Expressions and Equations
Making Math Visual
Based on Mindset Mathematics by Jo Boaler
Mathematical Mindset
Based on the work of Jo Boaler and youcubed®
Teaching Math in a Dual Language Classroom
Email for more information about content or pricing.
AIM4S³™ Virtual Summer Institute
June 1 – 2, 2020
8:00 – 2:30 with breaks and lunch
Cost: $94 per participant
Join us for the 2020 virtual Summer Institute and learn exciting strategies that have students doing the heavy mathematical thinking and questioning in your classroom.
Interactive, hands-on sessions will include:
- incorporating Visual Mathematics into your instruction
- facilitating a Week of Inspirational Math from youcubed® with your students
- pacing your math curriculum during SY 20-21 after COVID-19
- planning and delivering the engaging AIM4S3™ Inside-Out Problem
- making data meaningful and manageable in your day to day instruction
For more information email: